
Sister’s Gallery of Healing Arts

1570 East Northern Ave. Suite G

Kingman, AZ 86409


“Helping people be the best versions of themselves”

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Is it time to visit an art gallery, a day spa, perhaps the hair salon, maybe even take a class with healing properties?

How about visiting a haven that incorporates all of these and more?

You’ve had a rough week and need some pampering, or perhaps you are looking for a welcoming community where you can become your clear minded self once again, or maybe you want to join some art classes; your soul is craving Sister’s Gallery of Healing Arts a Kingman AZ Business.

Sister’s Gallery is spa environment focusing on spiritual healing arts, this three-business group features a hair and nail salon, an art gallery and an entire section for practicing healing arts.

A Unique Hair Salon and Art Gallery

At Sister’s Gallery, the maintaining goal is to provide a space in which one can create their own universe and a place where positive affirmations are essential.

“Helping people be the best versions of themselves” is the ultimate goal of Sister’s Gallery; creating a space for beautiful experiences to occur.

The art gallery showcases art as well as gifts – including natural body and skin care products, while the Serenity Salon offers a full service hair salon, nail salon and aesthetician.


Healing Arts Classes are Available at Sisters Gallery Day Spa

The third piece of the business trifecta is Sisters Gallery of Healing Arts, where classes are held and sessions in various healing techniques are offered. The healing arts gallery hosts Reiki sessions, massage therapy, reflexology, aroma therapy, meditation, intuitive angel readings and even offers courses in becoming Reiki certified as well as body positive workshops.

Consider the Sisters Gallery as a spiritual retreat that you can visit to escape the trivialities of your everyday life and regain your sense of self; the best possible version of yourself.



Sisters Gallery also offers courses in nutrition, tapping, basic fitness, and backology.

The nutrition classes offered teach you everything you need to know about raw food and raw food preparation.

The tapping course features emotional freedom techniques to remove self-sabotaging elements within yourself that refrain you from losing weight and keeping it off, this class is all about building up one’s self confidence.

The basic fitness class that Sisters Gallery offers features techniques to keep you safe on your fitness journey. While training you in warm-ups and stretches as well as how to obtain your target heart rate to maintain safe cardiovascular activity, the course promises to prepare you for your workout goals while showcasing techniques that do not require the use of a gym.

Backology 101 is a unique course that informs you on everything you need to know about your back. This class provides basic back health knowledge while informing you of proper posture as well as safe stretching.



With very low fees, a wealth of knowledge, unique self-help courses and even body and skin care products Sisters Gallery of Healing Arts maintains their goal of helping you to become the best version of yourself. Sisters Gallery is welcoming to artists and suppliers to sell from the shop, as they want this sanctuary to be an all inclusive and collaborative center. This art gallery, hair salon, day spa and spiritual healing center is the one community that you can turn to if you are looking to improve your health and wellbeing.