Welcoming all nurses to a live coaching call experience!
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm AZ
Where: Nationally on Zoom
Live: At the Y.E.S. Center, 1001 N. Stockton Hill Rd, Kingman AZ
The art of Nursing is in a process of transformation. It is inevitable that some growing pains are being experienced. The purpose of our discussion on April 11 is to bring interested nurses together who have strong motivation to share in the transformation. It is an important time to develop as a powerful force of support for each other and for the future of our profession. Ashley and Joyce will lead the group in determining what matters most to each of you and to the nursing profession. We look forward to identifying some creative strategies and solutions we can pass on to others.
Come share your ideas with us!

Joyce Mollenhauer BSN, RN, NC-BC, has a wide range of experience in her professional role as a Registered Nurse along with life experience as a Mom, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a coworker, a teacher and as an eternal student. The wisdom she has gained includes the many ways human beings are connected. Coaching provides the arena for sharing our sameness and our differences and discovering how to connect effectively.

Ashley Bedard BSN, RN, NC-BC, is a healer by nature beginning her caregiving experience as a young girl for her medically fragile little brother. As a Registered Nurse, Ashley’s experiences and passions have drawn her towards caring for the whole person in a variety of specialties and settings, but eventually landed her the opportunity to embark in a new avenue of holistic coaching. This way of healing has been life changing to her clients, friends, family, and most importantly herself.