
Imagine travelers on camels, untouched Native American territories and hills filled with luxurious minerals and precious stones. Creating the history of Kingman, AZ was really the only option for some of these settlers as they braved harsh climate and rough terrain to find wealth, a new home and a better way of life in this dry basin.

After several mines began to sprout up, it is surprising that Kingman did not evolve out of the West as a mining town, but rather as a railroad town. You can still visit the original train station in downtown Kingman off of Route 66, while on your travels to Las Vegas or California, or if you simply plan to visit the culturally and historically rich town itself. Boasting over 60 historical buildings and homes, Kingman is a vintage site to behold. With the downtown area being virtually untouched, it is essential that you bring a camera with you on your travels.

For more information about Kingman AZ History and Historic Downtown Kingman visit